Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I got the call with the news from my sisters first official ultrasound. The tech is 99% sure it's a boy! We are all convinced Sara has a big part in this baby. She heard my moms and my prayers for a boy. We just feel it will make this easier for everyone not to be tempted to compare this baby to Sara. The tech also found her to be a bit further along.. so his new due date is March 2nd. That works out well with everyone! We aren't worried about when he arrives just as long as he is healthy and happy!

I'm also more convinced that Sara's original date for delivery of the lapghans to the nursing home of 2010 is becoming more practical. After a rough summer and now a move I finally am getting back in the spirit to make more lapghans. I will also have to start a new baby blanket for "Him". No names picked as of yet. They only had girls names! They can save those for "next" time :)

Congrats again Heather & Al! I know Sara is thrilled also!!

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