Monday, November 24, 2008

A year ago today.

It's so hard to believe a year ago today I was on my way to the hospital full of hope for a recovery. I remember driving hoping to see her sitting up in her hospital bed and seeing her beautiful blue eyes looking back at me. But that was not the case. A few hours passed and she was gone. Our beautiful baby girl was on her way to heaven. We still miss her everyday. It gets a bit easier to handle as time passes by and now with the upcoming arrival of a new baby it helps make it a bit easier. I have ahd several "strange" occurances in the last year to let me know she is still a big force in our lives. My dog Zoe is a prime example. Sara knew how upsetting it was for me to give our dog Diamond away when we moved into our old house. She always thought it wasn't fair but like me tried to understand that she is with DH's aunt and will be well taken care of. Diamond is crrently spoiled and loving life in Michigan. It's hard to give away a part of the family. Well I have wanted another dog for a long time and figured not until we move. Then along came Zoe. She was a surprise anniversary present from DH. Zoe is our first "Yellow/blond" lab mix. We have always had black labs. I remember calling my sister to tell her our news and to ask to borrow the small crate from her. She asked me if I had named the puppy yet and I said no we have no idea.. she said how about Zoe? She also said she had no clue where that name came from it just popped in her head. Saraboo in action. :) Last weekend I was collecting some t-shirts from my sister so I can make her a t-shirt quilt made up of Sara's t-shirts. I turned around and there is a framed poster of "yellow lab puppies" and mom said oh that one looks like Zoe. Then I knew - Zoe was meant to be my baby. Thanks Sara! I'm hoping to get your quilt done for your mom for Christmas! I think even tho she is going to have this new baby she is going to need your quilt to have a memory of you to hold also.
I have never made a quilt like this so I hope Sara will be my little helper on that project. I feel her around me alot, she was a one of a kind girl and I will miss her until we meet in heaven. I also had an ironic twist. The knitting needles I helped Sara purchase are now mine. My sister doesn't need them or want them so I have them now and the yarn she had just purchased to start a scarf for the nursing home. That yarn I think will be used to make a few square for lapgahns toward Sara Smiles Project. That way I can spread her love around into more than one lapghan. I have been lax in the last few months on the Sara Smiles Project. Lost my mojo. I'm hoping to get it moving again. Missing her helps to get me moving. I have a bunch of squares to get sewn together. I think I will start with that to get me motivated again.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

New Lapghans!

Last Monday my hubby and I were going to the "old house" to pack up some of the last stuff at the house. We found a box on the front porch. It was two beautiful lapghans, pictured above. These were donated by Nancy L. from Sterling, MA. Thank you Nancy! They are beautiful!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I got the call with the news from my sisters first official ultrasound. The tech is 99% sure it's a boy! We are all convinced Sara has a big part in this baby. She heard my moms and my prayers for a boy. We just feel it will make this easier for everyone not to be tempted to compare this baby to Sara. The tech also found her to be a bit further along.. so his new due date is March 2nd. That works out well with everyone! We aren't worried about when he arrives just as long as he is healthy and happy!

I'm also more convinced that Sara's original date for delivery of the lapghans to the nursing home of 2010 is becoming more practical. After a rough summer and now a move I finally am getting back in the spirit to make more lapghans. I will also have to start a new baby blanket for "Him". No names picked as of yet. They only had girls names! They can save those for "next" time :)

Congrats again Heather & Al! I know Sara is thrilled also!!

Friday, August 1, 2008

She must be jumping up and down in heaven!

Sara's mom made a big announcement on her own birthday. She is expecting a baby in Sara's birth month of March! Sara always wanted to be a big sister. I have a feeling she had a hand (from heaven) in the timing of all of this!! Congrats little sister, another baby will help fill the void of Sara's absence and bring happiness to the house and family again. She is smiling down on this news I'm sure!

I also received another beautiful lapghan from Karen. She was Sara's reading tutor and had Sara's big brother in her preschool class. I will post a picture asap!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Karen please accept my apologies!

Thank you for your understanding and patience Karen. These three beautiful Lapghans were made by Karen in St. Louis, MO. We finally got to meet when she came to town to see her mom and brought these along. I enjoyed meeting your family and wished I could've stayed longer. Also thanks Karen for bringing some of your other projects to show me. Loved seeing them all. Thank you again.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Dedication to Our Angel in the Outfield!

Angel in the outfield
Hornets dedicate tree in memory of their departed teammate
05/21/2008, 12:40 pm

Melissa Garzanelli,, 815-431-4049
Photo: Doug Larson

The Hornets girls fast-pitch team gathers around a tree planted in memory of teammate Sara Treest, who died in November. A ceremony to honor Treest was conducted prior to the team’s first game of the season by coach Joel Hambleton (far left) and manager Jim Thrush (second from left) on Tuesday.

A framed uniform with Sara Treest’s number, signed by all her teammates, was presented to Al and Heather Treest in memory of their daughter.

Running from first to second base during a softball game last year, Sara Treest was struck in the back by a thrown ball. Hard.
Jim Thrush, manager of the Hornets' girls fast-pitch team, recalls hearing the crack when the ball hit her and watching as Treest went down face-first and crying. But he had to laugh when even as she wept through the pain, her foot wiggled out from under her to touch second base.

That dedication was so typical.

"She was always the first one there," he said.

Thrush, along with all of Treest's teammates on the Hornets, gathered prior to their first game Tuesday to plant a tree in her honor at the girls softball diamond at Peck Park.

Treest died last November in an accident at her home. When softball season started, her teammates still were thinking about her, missing her in her spot in left field. Uniforms were ordered with wings and a halo around the name "Sara" to commemorate their friend.

Last year, Treest was No. 2 and this year no one else was given that number. Instead a shirt was made for her, each player signed it and the framed shirt was presented to her parents, Heather and Al, during the dedication.

Heather recalled how scared her daughter was when she moved up to the Hornets last year, being the smallest girl on the team.

"She was so happy to be part of this team," she said. "At first she was so scared because she was so much littler. But everyone treated her like a big girl. She was really honored to be part of this team."

Thrush was amazed at how the older girls "took her under their wings." He credited Treest's positive attitude. Other parents, also gathered at the dedication, noticed it too.

"She was the sweetest little thing ever," said Karen McCormick. "She loved being part of this team É Her personality made her belong."

Her teammates remember Treest most for her bubbly personality and commitment to others. Lauren Funk recalls one team meeting when bickering had erupted. Treest stopped the argument by offering to play only two innings so someone else could play more. That selflessness and team spirit was a spark for the rest of the team.

"She was always happy. She was always in a good mood," remembered Samantha Daugherty.

"She was the most positive person on the team," agreed Megan Beard. "She knew when we were low how to keep us up and positive. She was the most spirited."

"I couldn't look at her without smiling," said Funk.

Thrush also praised Treest's attitude and her dedication, always the first to volunteer to help and to cheer on other members of her team. With the season kicking off and the Hornets striving to win their third championship in a row, he said Treest will be missed.

"Sara will be our angel in the outfield," he said. "This is something that we all believe."

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

We made it onto Lion Brands Charity Page!!

I was thinking about it and thought I would look to see if we were accepted. I hadn't heard anything so I checked, Click here to see. Scroll down to Sara Smiles Project. I'm thrilled to be on such a well known/viewed site. A BIG thank you goes to Virginia for suggesting I put try to get us on there. Please check us out!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Signed up on Lion Brand

Virginia S. emailed me with a great suggestion that I didn't even consider. She suggested I get on the Lion Brand website and sign up to be listed on the Charity page. Virginia, I did it immediately after reading your email- Thank You. I will have to check back to see if the editors will list us. Everyone keep your knitting needles or fingers crossed that we are accepted. Thanks again Virginia! You've been a wonderful help.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Virginia - This is beautiful!

This fabulous lapghan was sent by Virginia of Depew NY. The picture doesn't do it justice. I love the pattern. Thank you for the time , effort and love you obviously put into this. I'm positive Sara is smiling.
Also again my apologies for being so tardy at getting this photo posted. I went out of town with my mom and sister to "escape" right after Sara's birthday. She would've been 13.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Lapghans have arrived!

This it the lapghan that I have been working on. I have to admit everything hit me again after the holidays so I took a break for a little while but I'm back up and running and have been going like gangbusters to get lapghans made. This is the most recent lapghan received. This is from Michele in Hendersonville NC. She is a part of the Nascar Knitters Group and the wild thing about Mish's lapghan is I actually sent her this yarn in a swap last year! I forced myself to send her this yarn..didn't want to but so glad I did because this is a beautiful lapghan. Thanks Mish!!
The following "lonely" squares and four - yes 4 lapghans came across the Pacific ocean from Carol in Honolulu, Hawaii!! She had sent me an email saying she sent them by boat and it would take a couple of weeks. Carol they were worth the wait!! They are all beautiful and very much appreciated.

Thank you again ladies for your beautiful work and generous giving from your hearts.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Squares received!

These beautiful squares were donated by Judy C. from Iowa City, IA. Thanks Judy!

These squares were donated by Jan B. from Calendonia, MI. Thanks Jan!

All of the squares Sara would've loved. The colors the softness, everything. My mom loved the colors and is anxiously waiting to start sewing these together. She is amazed by the generousity of people who've never met Sara. I just keep telling her that all the people I've met thru my groups are wonderfully generous people.

I also received a lovley pattern from Virginia S. of Depew, NY. She sent a note promising to send a blanket later. Thank you very much Virginia, the pattern is great. I will probably make that one next.

My mom and sister are in the process of picking out wording for the labels that will be sewn onto each lapghan (blanket). I will post about them when they do decide.

Monday, January 14, 2008

My first lapghan in progress.

My first lapghan in progress. I'm making the log cabin design baby blanket from Mason Dixon Knitting book. The size was about right for what this is for. So anyone not sure what size to make...a larger baby blanket size will work. Some will be bigger than others but people are different sizes so we will work with whatever is given to us. The colors don't look right on here. That big blob that looks blue is actually purple. If you haven't guess yet Sara's favorite colors were purple and green. Both colors are in this blanket and the mixed and pink add other colors.
Thank you again to Barb for her generous donation that was used to purchase the yarn for this ghan.

I have space ready for any donations. We appreciate any and all donations. Finished lapghans, squares, yarn or monetary. Thank you from all of us.